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CHAMP Programs: Staff Wellbeing – What is it and who’s responsible?

There is no one definition of wellbeing but many agree that it is more than just a physical element – it is a combination of physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual factors. Positive wellbeing allows people to reach their potential, flourish and make a positive contribution, all the while coping with normal stress.

So who is responsible?

At various times we have been asked by School Leadership teams ‘Isn’t Staff Wellbeing their own responsibility? How much more can we do?’

Whilst there is some truth to this, Staff Wellbeing is a complicated and broad topic and needs to be addressed in a broad manner.

No doubt staff are taking on this responsibility as much as they are able but if they continue to face wellbeing/stress issues in their workplace on a daily basis, their efforts can be in vain.

What is also needed, in addition to the effort of staff, is a Leadership Team who is prepared to identify and address these issues in consultation with their staff, using a team effort to tackle the issues that are hindering staff to flourish in the workplace.

Many school Leadership Teams have been assisted in identifying issues in their school and in caring for their staff through using CHAMP Programs’ Employee Wellness, Development and Support Program.

As our Value Proposition states:

‘We help schools care for their staff by identifying and addressing wellbeing issues, and providing affordable and tailored solutions, benefiting the whole school.’

Staff are given a confidential voice through our comprehensive survey and an opportunity share positive feedback and concerns.

A visit to our revamped website,  will provide you with more information regarding who we are and how we can help.

If you are in the Canberra, Riverina or Melbourne area we are planning trip in late July/early August to implement our survey in a number of schools, as well as to attend the Anglican Schools Australia Conference as a Trade Sponsor.

We are also happy to arrange Zoom/Teams meetings for those further afield who are interested in what we can offer in our program. 

If you would like to know more about how you can care for your staff, contact us or visit our website. 

0407 619 743

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