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At Education Australia, our goal is to ensure that every school and higher education institution has easy access to funding information. That’s where our EduAccess subscription comes in. 


EduAccess breaks down and separates funding into a myriad of education-specific categories, like Academic Support and Sports Development. These categories detail
where federal, state and territory governments are allocating funding, as well as
grant opportunities.


For equity in education, funding is critical. As a result, we have compiled this information on EduAccess to help foster a better informed and more aware education system striving towards equity for all Australians. Advocating for change, equality, and levelling the playing field so every student can succeed is at the heart of this endeavour. 


For funding information available to your school or higher education institution,
subscribe to EduAccess — we have you covered.

A brief snapshot of 2024 federal 

and state education funding

In 2024, the Commonwealth’s recurrent funding for schools is estimated to total $29.2 billion. Despite this, evidence has shown that public schools are underfunded and private schools are overfunded in Australia, instigating a push for ‘fully funded’ public schools to meet the Schooling Resource Standard (SRS).


The SRS is an estimate of how much total public funding a school needs to meet its students’ educational needs. State and territory governments provide most of the public recurrent funding for government schools and the Australian Government provides most of the public recurrent funding for non‑government schools (80 per cent of the SRS).

An independent report published in late 2023 found that public schools will remain underfunded by $6.2 billion to $6.5 billion a year unless the Commonwealth, state and territory governments lift their investment in new funding agreements this year. On the other hand, private schools will be overfunded by almost $3 billion in the next five years.

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