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Concord Australia: How to Avoid Clunky Library Management Software

Technology is making our world more seamless and intuitive every day. Your library management software should do the same!

Many popular library management systems are based on obsolete technology with extra “web” features bolted on top, rather than cloud-native architecture. 

Think of a cloud-native library management system as a web browser, like Chrome, with all the interactive functionality of browsing the web or using an app on your phone.

Outdated platforms can be frustrating and difficult to use – but how can you spot them before you sign up and implement one in your school?

Here are our tips to help you choose a library management system that leverages web-based technology to deliver a modern, frictionless experience.

1.Seamless navigation

Library staff often describe old-style systems as feeling “clunky” and lacking expected capabilities. You should be able to do everything easily and in one place!

  • Are there loading messages (like ‘Loading app’ or ‘Please wait…’) or intermediate button clicks when connecting to your system?

  • Can you endlessly scroll through lists without waiting for pages or content to load or having to click ‘Next page’ and ‘Last page’ buttons?

  • Can you hit the ‘Back’ button on the browser to step through the previous pages you were working on?

2.Native multitasking

One of the biggest frustrations with non-cloud systems is that you can usually only work on one task at a time. You should be able to adapt the system to your workflow!

  • Are you constrained to a single operational window, or can you open multiple work tabs with one click?

  • Can you easily bring up a new module, without having to close the previous one?

  • Does the software seamlessly integrate with other apps, like digital resource curation, so you can use them together at the same time – or do they barely talk to each other?

3.Smooth user experience

Don’t let flashy student interfaces fool you. Some platforms can look great,  but are unintuitive and unresponsive. You shouldn’t need to waste time fighting your software!

  • When you take an action, does the system respond quickly and as you expect?

  • Does information dynamically populate the page and update instantly?

  • Is the software accessible and fully usable on mobile, and touch-screen friendly on devices without an app?

Try Infiniti and LibPaths

For a modern solution or alternative to your current software, consider Concord Infiniti (library management) and LibPaths (digital resource curation). 

They’re 100% cloud-native and integrate seamlessly, eliminating the need to work across two systems. With its advanced infrastructure, you won’t get endlessly frustrated by technical limitations or missing functionality:

Open multiple tabs and navigate effortlessly across different areas.

Access information without the hassle of constant page reloads.

Work faster with a sleek, reliable and natural user experience.

You can save time and deliver an exceptional library experience.

Before deciding on library management software, book a demo with Concord! 

07 3721 2600

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