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Beyond the Classroom: Are transitions the key to your wellbeing? Beyond the Classroom Australia has a gift for you.

Teachers across Australia are increasingly reporting higher stress levels, overwhelm, and burnout. It’s no secret that teacher retention is becoming a challenge for schools due to the impact from demands of the job have on teachers. While these issues come to the forefront, Beyond the Classroom Australia founder and directory, Peta Jeppesen, has shifted her focus to supporting well-being in the education space.

Although she works in a unique way through her coaching programs to support educators, one thing she’s found impactful is bringing awareness to transition times.

Transitions occur at the beginning and end of the day, along with in-between each lesson or activity. This dynamic time causes a spike in stress for many teachers as it can be a time where exhaustion is highlighted, students act out, or other issues arise within the classroom space. 

Peta believes this time is pivotal for teacher wellbeing as they need time to reset before beginning a new lesson. She has found that teachers who are better able to emotionally regulate during this time, have an easier time managing their students throughout the day. They are setting up the emotional environment for their students, so if they are displaying stress and overwhelm, chances are the students will feel this and react accordingly. On the flip side, teachers who can bring a baseline of calm have an easier time with behaviour management.  

In her new eBook, Supercharge Your Teaching, Transform Exhaustion into Empowerment with these Game-Changing Tools for Educators, Peta shares her trade secrets about de-escalating and escalating the classroom environment, along with other wellbeing hacks for teachers.

Two common types of transition environments she shares about are de-escalated and escalated.

The most common type of transition environment that occurs throughout the day is an escalation of energy. A typical example of this is when students begin to act out, yell, argue, or simply not listen to direction. They’re full of energy. Naturally, this can increase stress for teachers.

Another common type of transition environment that can occur is a de-escalation of energy. A typical example of this is students who are tired, unmotivated, or irritable. They’re exhausted and don’t really want to participate any longer in the activities.

Naturally, this could cause feelings or frustration for teachers.

So, is this the key to your improved wellbeing?

In her eBook, Peta shares about the importance of learning how to navigate transitions to not only bring down stress levels but create more time blocks for self-care throughout the day.

“Teachers are chronically overwhelmed and there is no one solution to the problem. This will take a unique and strategic approach to solve the issue in the school system.” – Peta Jeppesen

Her eBook is available now for download on the homepage of her website. You can find the link below.

You can download your Free Transitions eBook here: 

0438 641 977

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