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CFT: ​​The Countdown is Nearly Complete: Get Ready for PEAL with CFT

Plain English Allergen Labelling

In February 2021, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) announced new requirements for allergen labelling on packaged foods. These changes were designed to make allergen declarations clear and consistent for consumers, enabling them to make safe food choices.

Before these changes, FSANZ required the 10 known foods and ingredients that can cause severe allergic reactions to be declared on labels when present in food. The Food Standards Code now requires the following foods and ingredients to be declared using specific names, making individual tree nuts, molluscs, and individual cereals clearly identifiable.

Foods and Ingredients to be Declared (using these names):

  • Almond

  • Barley*

  • Brazil nut

  • Cashew

  • Crustacean

  • Egg

  • Fish

  • Hazelnut

  • Lupin

  • Macadamia

  • Milk

  • Mollusc

  • Oats*

  • Peanut

  • Pecan

  • Pine nut

  • Pistachio

  • Rye*

  • Sesame

  • Soy, soya, soybean

  • Sulphites**

  • Walnut

  • Wheat

* Barley, oats, and rye must be declared if they contain gluten.

** Sulphites must be declared when added in amounts equal to or more than 10 milligrams per kilogram of food.

These allergens must be declared on the food label whenever they are present as ingredients or as components of food additives or processing aids.

Why Is Accurate Allergen Information So Important?

Providing accurate allergen information is not just a legal requirement; it’s crucial for customer safety. Mislabelling or underreporting allergens such as eggs, milk, peanuts, and shellfish can have serious health implications for consumers with severe allergies.

What is PEAL?

FSANZ introduced PEAL as part of the Food Standards Code in February 2021. Businesses were given until February 25, 2024, to comply. An additional two-year "stock-in-trade" period allows businesses to sell products with non-compliant labels if produced before the deadline. After February 25, 2026, all food products must have a PEAL label.

PEAL simplifies and standardises allergen labelling across Australia. The regulations focus on clarity and ease of understanding, enabling consumers to make safer food choices. This promotes informed and health-conscious decisions.

Impact on Food Safety Supervisors

Allergen management is a key responsibility for Food Safety Supervisors. To align with state requirements in New South Wales (NSW), CFT incorporated PEAL regulations into our courses. This ensures that supervisors are equipped to oversee allergen management effectively. The training covers practical aspects of managing allergens in various food service settings.

Ensuring Compliance with PEAL

Food businesses must ensure that their product labels comply with the new requirements. Key changes under PEAL include:

  • Specific Names for Allergens: Allergens must be listed using specific, plain English names. For example, 'milk' should be used instead of terms like whey, curd, or casein.

  • Allergens in the Ingredients List: Mandatory allergens must be declared in the ingredients list and printed in bold to stand out.

  • Allergen Summary Statement: Allergens must be declared in both the ingredients list and a summary statement beginning with "contains." This statement should be near the ingredient list for better visibility.

Transition Period and Compliance

The three-year transition period ended on February 25, 2024. Any food items produced after this date must have a PEAL label. Items produced before this date can be sold under the ‘stock-in-trade’ rule until February 25, 2026.


Some ingredients are exempt from PEAL legislation. Businesses should review Schedule 9 of the Food Standards Code for the complete list of allergens and exemptions.

Embracing PEAL

As the food industry adapts to these changes, Food Safety Supervisors play a crucial role in ensuring compliance and protecting consumer health. Enrolling in a government-approved Food Safety Supervisor course is the first step towards compliance and creating a safe environment for customers with food allergies. All CFT courses are now fully PEAL compliant, ensuring you have the latest knowledge and skills to manage allergen information effectively.

Our Food Safety Supervisor and Basic Food Handling courses have been updated to provide the knowledge and expertise to manage allergens and meet PEAL requirements effectively. Register today or contact us to discover the benefits of CFT Food Safety training.

Use the code EDUCATIONAUSTRALIA at checkout to receive a 10% discount on your course!

By streamlining allergen management, PEAL not only ensures compliance but also fosters a safer, more informed food industry. Don't wait—prepare your business today with CFT's expert training.

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